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6 Best Home Exercises without Equipment

6 Best Home Exercises without Equipment

Sometimes like in recent days, it’s just difficult to go to the gym and work out. So home exercises can be a good choice to keep fit. But what can we do at home?  Here are 6 ideas for ways you can exercise indoors at home for free or on the cheap. #1. The Plank If your room space is limited, but you want to exercise your core muscles, then flat support is very suitable for your exercise. First of all, you need to do a position similar to push-ups, but with your palms on the ground, but on your forearms, and don't bend your arms down toward the floor like push-ups. You need to keep your arms outstretched in the same position. It will be difficult at first, the first challenge to maintain the posture for 50 seconds, and then increase the duration
Sometimes like in recent days, it’s just difficult to go to the gym and work out. So home exercises can be a good choice to

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