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Como usar SO e SUCH corretamente?

Como usar SO e SUCH corretamente?

SO e SUCH são duas palavras muito parecidas, mas que têm regras bem diferentes para serem utilizadas

American English at State - This is such a useful post (we hope!). Do you know when to use so and such? Check out this #AmericanEnglish graphic to learn ONE of the


de Dicionário Infopédia da Língua Portuguesa

Como Usar SO E SUCH Corretamente Em Inglês

That's english! module 10 unit 9 by Isabel Cota - Issuu

Discovering sociolinguistic variation and frequency of usage in-group

Moacir Oliveira's show

SUCH e SUCH AS Como usar?

So vs Such in English - English Study Page

How to Use So and Such Correctly - My Lingua Academy

SO” or “SUCH”? Hägar Language School

When to Use “Like” vs. “Such As”, With Examples

SO and SUCH: Difference Between So and Such (with Useful Examples)

Qual a diferença entre SO e SUCH? - Skylimit Idiomas