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From Inbox to Checkout: 10 D2C Email Marketing Strategies

From Inbox to Checkout: 10 D2C Email Marketing Strategies

The Indian direct-to-consumer (D2C) market is booming.According to a Statista report, the market size was forecasted at 12 billion U.S. dollars for the financial year 2022. As a D2C brand, you have the edge over your traditional counterparts as you sell products directly to customers without any meddling middlemen. This approach helps you cut costs
The Indian direct-to-consumer (D2C) market is booming. According to a Statista report, the market size was forecasted at 12 billion U.S. dollars for the financial year 2022. As a D2C brand, you have the edge over your traditional counterparts as you sell products directly to customers without any meddling

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MakeWebBetter on LinkedIn: From Inbox to Checkout: 10 for D2C Email Marketing Strategies

From Inbox to Checkout: 10 D2C Email Marketing Strategies

From Inbox to Checkout: 10 D2C Email Marketing Strategies