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VICTORY: The Peach Bum Emoji Has Been Restored To Its Former Booty

VICTORY: The Peach Bum Emoji Has Been Restored To Its Former Booty

When Apple released the first beta version of iOS 10.2, despite some exciting emoji additions, all that any one could say was: WHAT THE FUDGE HAS HAPPENED TO THE PEACH BUM?! The new peach emoji, looked remarkably like, well, err…a peach. It looked like a piece of stupid boring ol’ fruit and not like a…

The Peach Butt Emoji Is Dead. Long Live The Peach Butt Emoji

The Peach Emoji Looks Like A Butt Again

Apple brings back saucy peach emoji after outcry from phone users

How the sexy peach emoji joined the resistance - The Washington Post

The peach emoji is changing and this is why everyone is so mad about it - HelloGigglesHelloGiggles

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Apple Brought The Peach Butt Emoji Back, Thank God

The Peach Emoji Looks Like A Butt Again

Apple Archives

Peach Emoji Restored To Natural Beauty After Outcry From Arse Activists